Monday 7 March 2011

Just a Little Overwhelmed

The first lesson of ICT and pedagogy was interesting and overwhelming. Before entering the tutorial and lecture the other day I was unaware of the amount of multimedia and technology that is available to be used within the classroom. Although, I was aware that chalk and talk is in the past, I had no idea that cloud computing and iTunes are being used within the classroom. If the children in my classroom room are keeping up with this fast-moving technology, I should be fully equipped with the knowledge and understanding as well and be able to use it with appropriate pedagogy throughout lessons.  Throughout the first tutorial all the information received was overwhelming, so I would like to delve a little deeper into some of the technologies presented.

Firstly, Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) are replacing traditional whiteboards and blackboards. They can be used to, “show students anything which can be presented on a computer's desktop (educational software, web sites, and others)” (DOE, 2010, p.1). During the discussions in the tutorial it became evident that electronic whiteboards come with both positives and negatives.
Some of the positives include: 
  • Digital storytelling
  • Teach whole group computer or keyboarding skills 
  • Brainstorming
  • Teaching students how to navigate the Internet
  • Use the Interwrite software to create lessons in advance at home or at school. Then save them for future use or to be shared with other teachers
  • Diagramming activities
  • Teaching steps to a math problem.
                                                                 (DOE, 2010, p.1)

A negative that was discussed in the tutorial is that although the IWB involves students engaging in activities on the board, it usually only involves an individual or small group of students completing the activity up the front and the remainder of the class are passively listening to what is being taught.

A new program that can be used in the classroom only using ICTs is ‘cloud computing’. Cloud computing is a concept that I had no idea about before entering the first tutorial. Cloud computing is, “a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet” (TechTarget, 2011, p.1). Cloud services are cheaper and more flexible because it is internet-based and you can access it anywhere at any time. This allows students to work collaboratively on group projects either together or separately, because students can access their work from any computer it enables their group projects to be worked on at home.

As a student, carrying around textbooks from class to class becomes a tedious job. Thankfully this will soon be in the past. The tablet or book reader is another ICT that can be used within the classroom. These small, portable devices will allow students to, “download and read entire books, magazines and newspapers in a digital format” (Wordpress, 2011, p.1).

Another educational tool that is being implemented into schools is online games, which I found interesting. Not being a ‘gamer’ myself I always thought playing video games was a waste of time. Although, video games enable students to learn through play, challenges their thinking, provides them with instant rewards, involves levelling, creativity, allows students to take risks without any consequences, rapid prototyping and problem solving skills. Different games can involve different skills for students. For example: The Sims is a life simulation game which can be used to teach students life skills in an interactive and play based way.

Currently, there are a variety of new technologies available, which makes teaching more interactive. I am confident that during this course I will slowly become more confident with my abilities to use these technologies within lessons effectively.

Reference List
Department of Education. (2011). Interactive whiteboards in the classroom. Retrieved
                March 1,  2011, from

TechTarget. (2011). Cloud computing. Retrieved March 1, 2011, from

Wordpress. (2011). The digital book reader. Retrieved March 1, 2011, from

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